Quote Originally Posted by Jackjarvis View Post
At least a tad more objective though, regardless whatever time/venue I’ll be with like minded cheering us on.

It only covers the fact the league cup semi has a history of poor crowds. There are multiple reasons why people are not going. I agree with what he says as people think its a diddy cup which is f@cking ridiculous coming from Aberdeen fans as we win f@ck all and any trophy is more than worth winning. Wasn't a diddy cup in 2014

It doesn't mention that some aren't going because they are fed up with Scottish fitba in general. Are taking a stand. Don't like the fitba being played by the team. Don't want to go to a sevco game. Are on holiday. Are pissed off with the chairman. Don't want to go because public transport home is too late or whatever.Offshore (in my case). Glory hunters saving for the final. Think we will get pumped(I also think this). The status quo(with fake r*****s) is in place.. Heaps of reasons. To write an article and fail to mention the blatantly obvious discontent in our supporters is pointless in my eyes

At the end of the day 9k is abysmal, but its been coming. Its a sign of the current climate in "Aberdonia".