I've given you a point this week Piglet. Expelliarmus! Oops, there it goes.

A better week; average score was 6. The antipodean duo both did well, top-scoring with 10s. NZBlue jumps from 9th to 5th and AussieBranch from 10th to 6th. Gaz compounded his bad (very, very, very, very bad) day by only getting a single point and he's down from 7th to 12th. Ouch. A mention in dispatches for Barbles who got 9 and after starting late is now only one point behind at the bottom. With sixty percent of the season left, who knows where he'll end up.

Check everything as normal and I'll see youse next week.

1 Howoldboy.............(6) 118
2 Piglet....................(5) 108
3 Mullen...................(8) 106
4 Pete......................(7) 102
5 NZBlue..................(10) 95
6= Acido....................(6) 94
6= AussieBranch.......(10) 94
8 Altobelli..................(6) 93
9 Buc........................(7) 92
10= Alf......................(5) 87
10= Griff...................(5) 87
12= Gaz....................(1) 86
12= Southblue...........(6) 86
14 Gards...................(4) 85
15 Crusha..................(3) 83
16 Cayambe...............(5) 82
17 Chalky...................(6) 79
18 Psaw.....................(6) 77
19 Barbles..................(9) 76
EOB...........................(1) 39