Tuesday night certainly showed us we need to strengthen in some areas, but despite what i am about to write, i dont think we need to be as brutal as some want us to be.

First off is get rid of the dead wood and get Scobbie out. From what ive heard and seen written, Toshney is gonna get the chance to prove himself, but where will he be in the pecking order for RB, never mind midfield?

Some credit is due to Shabba and his recruitment, and his 2 players per position, but there are a few howlers in there! Barton has some nice skill, but its not what we need just now. Also in the same bracket is Loemba, and i think him not being anywhere near RNs team at the minute tells its own story. Move those 4 above out and get 2 players that can challenge Fyvie and Stanton would be the bare minimum for me.

But there is more players that are not good enough for us and we need better options in. Despite thinking he may be coming good, one of these is Rabitsch who just doesnt seem to be quick thinking enough. Dont know about Rakovan, as i think he needs a chance behind the better organized defense. King is another who i think is below the level we need. When he came on the other night, i can only remember him make a solid tackle just after coming on, then watched him let players flash past him too often. Move on 2 of them and its a new winger and RB.

Make the right moves and we just have to make more changes in the summer!