Quote Originally Posted by geofoxposse View Post
Spent New Year at a friends house (Russian) and was trying to explain the schedule for TV viewing in Scotland. Pulled up the schedule online and told him thats its simply the same pysh that gets trotted out every year and for the last 25 years.

Tried explaining the contact of some of the programmes. even 13 years ago when I left the UK many of the programmes and formats was boring and predictable.

There was actually very little on specifically for New Year, some normal programmes with tinsel, soap operas with paper hats and the same drivel.

We watched the Rookie celebrations from Vladivostok to Moscow and believe me they celebrate in style with programming and genuine celebrations from lunchtime onwards.

Only an excuse has become and excuse, the same garbage keeping the same people in work telling the same jokes to a mind numbed audience.
Failed to appreciate that 'Only an Excuse' is written exclusively for us!