Quote Originally Posted by Redshank View Post

Too many remainers trying to overturn the referendum result from the off. BANG OUT OF ORDER!

They should have accepted the result and got on with helping to negotiate a Brexit that reflected the closeness of the vote rather than try to screw the whole thing up.

Another one to add to Blair's catalogue of crimes.

Wouldn't a Brexit that reflected the closeness of the vote of 52:48 be a very soft Brexit? If it is found that the majority of the house fall behind a soft Brexit (leave with CU and close alignment with the SM, which would I think reflect the national public feeling as far as we can gauge it with 48% remaining and x% wanting to leave with a deal and small but significant minority wanting No Deal) and take that to the EU for agreement, would you be happy with that? After all, it would satisfy Stovic's wish that MPs speak with one voice enough to secure a deal?