I've been to watch the Millers a couple or so times against Hull but not in the new ground.

The old one had a railway station outside of it that served the stadium. Modern thnking there I think! It was aroung early November time that we went because if it wasn't for the chicken wire stopping the fireworks coming our way my sister would resemble a catherine wheel!
It was a great experience and my first away match! I cant remember the score or who played as my plastic mind doesn't work after a mae has just visited with a bottle of Glenfinnick. But I do remeber thinking how good the experience was. From getting on the train at the station across from Millmoor and singing all the day long to getting back off at Rotheham train station and catching the 295 if we were lucky.

Thisis what football fans of all ages can remember! The days away, the laughing at a drunken sod who'd said something he'd ought not to have or having the windows broken at Barnsley or Millwall!

The times back then are the times now they are the times memories are made. Tonight is another chance to make a memory, a lasting one when a much needed away win will make up for the time when we lost at home when we really shouldn't have!

Memories are what we end up with folks! The memory of Danny Williams and Gordon Banks who some young uns will only have heard of are real.

It's time for this team to make some memories that match the ones by the greats of Rotherham United! The playing field isn't level but when as that stopped us in the past? Come on Rotherham let us not be a team that competed and were unlucky not to win our share of matches! Let us start winning some and start making good memories for everyone!

It's time!