Read on the EnglandMad board the other day a comment from Alf that made me laugh and at the same time was very apt.

Quote Originally Posted by claw84 View Post
And yet she has no remorse, when asked about beheadings, she said I saw the heads in the bin but it did not faze me.
Quote Originally Posted by alfinyalcabo View Post
Cut her Phookin Isis head off and throw it in a bin with the others..
And this morning was listening to a talk show, and that she will probably be let back into the UK.

There was also a Labour minister who was on (didn't catch his name), who teamed up with a Tory MP to put forward an amendment/bill, that Jihadi bride's or any UK citizen who left these shores to fight or be any part of a terrorist organisation be charged with Treason, they tried to get this through as it has been going on for 8 years, but the Tory Government kept side stepping the issue time and time again, Then I heard the News at the top of the hour and a voice from our great Government stating "We will do all we can to ensure British subjects are safe in their homes", They really are a bunch of useless idiots