No I have not been deported from Filey, I had another stroke last November and because I live alone with my little Yorkie Charlie my family wanted me to move nearer to them so they could give me help if needed so I am back in Sunny Donnie. I moved into a new build bungalow last Saturday and the phone line should have been installed on Tuesday. I need the phone line to operate a emergency button if I fall or need help. I have now been told the phone line will not be fitted until the 20th of March leaving me without an emergency button.The house next door is unoccupied and at the other side the man is working all day so I can’t get help from there. I have contacted Sky who should be fitting the internet when I have a phone line and they told me to contact Openreach (BT) who fit the phone lines.Openreach say I should get back to Sky to sort this problem out because they are the internet supplier.In the meantime I am stuck in a bungalow without any means to get the help I may need because there is no phone line to operate the emergency button.You may ask how I am operating this computer,I am on an iPad with a data sd card fitted which give me the internet but it can’t operate the emergency button.What the hell is wrong with these people? they refuse to contact each other to solve this problem leaving me without any emergency help.I wish I was back in Filey.