This won't be our last match in the Championship this season but it could be the last competetive match that we play.

With 3 matches to go and us being the underdogs in all of them we have a mountain to climb. We're getting to that very steep part where one slip will see us fall to our knees and more so out of this division and into League 1.

It really is what was expected of us at the beginning of the season. We were going to struggle to find 3 teams worserer than us but there are more than 3 teams in this league worse than us! We have gone toe to toe with some of the best clubs in the league and gave them a game.

This is what we must do today! At Brum we lost by the biggest score at the time and a hatric I think it was that sank us. That git has found some form again so we'll have to be on our best form at the back to keep him quiet. But then there's that other guy who's worth Millions who's going to be a threat.

Ah well we'll just have to hope that we do the business at the other end. Let's hope that lee Camp has a stinker and that we score one more than they do.

My word, I'm putting a downer on things and I really shouldn't be! Warney has asked us to make some noise to help the team! The club has asked us to wear our favourite shirts so I'm wearing one. Will you?

Can we make that difference today? We have to try don't we? It's our last chance to this season!

We can win this game and hope that the other results go our way. One day our luck will turn! We haven't had that much luck this season so let's call on Lady Luck and hope to god it's not that fat un that sings!