Quote Originally Posted by Exiledvillan View Post
Yes Winnie, they do, I think that they half expected it.
There is no school uniform at his ‘Educate together’ School and he’s practically in full kit every day. School bag, lunch box and pencil set. Overcoat, hat, scarf and gloves in winter. Every art class project, book covers are C&B.
I wanted to keep him off all day but he gets so nervous (hyperventilating during the semi final) we thought that it might take his mind off it a bit, even though he’s clad in C&B.

Oz, why are you liking the cat’s bum???
"On on the lounge with the cat next to me licking its bum"
Ha ha, it sounds like they wouldn't have believed it if you'd said he had a dental appointment or something! I hope he's not too nervous now.

Ozfan! The things you do when I'm not looking! Giggles. He's very nervous, Exiled. I think it relaxes him before a big match.