Quote Originally Posted by StandfreeFM View Post
Cheers boss.

Meant to update you about yon Trainspotting 2 bloke investigation. Brought in Mr Hague as instructed, he arrived tooled up, expensive brief in tow, then NC'd his way through the whole interview. These dodgy (unts know exactly how to play the game, been at it since birth. Waste of time since PF has decided we don't have enough to go forward. Also been superseded now that Police Scotland have fitted up some Embra gadgie for it. Frustrated isn't the word.
Bradley Welsh, how could I forget. I see you have sealed off the car park at Balerno, good work. Let me know what you find.

Shame the Hague lead didn't work out. I'm sure we can find something to stick on the slippery fecker while we have him.

I guess that does leave us more time to work on Masons genintaethem theory. We'll leave no stone unturned with that before moving on to aldos BG/Oscar/87kilo idea.