Quote Originally Posted by howdydoo View Post
He has already stated that he has never voted Tory.

What's your issue with that? Ditto. I support more policies on the right of centre than left but I've never voted Tory either. As much as I hate this Jeremy Kyle society we live in, I hate the filthy rich tax avoiders and 'illuminati' even more.

What's so hard for you to understand, when a bloke is analytical and concludes, in his opinion, your politics don't work. It's pretty clear you are an activist and truly believe you know best.

Do something better with your time. The amount of time it takes you to paste, research, then cut and paste on here every week, would be better served with a part time voluntary job. Go and do your bit.

'Blinkered you see'

Any neutral observer on here, would say you post too much and most definitely have an agenda.
I'm sure Kerr doesn't need you sticking up for him Howdy.

So you have a problem with me challenging Kerr's political stances but you don't mind Kerr challenging mine?

You reckon that I think I'm always right when I challenge Kerr's (or anyone's) views but don't think that Kerr (or anyone else) thinks that they are right when they challenge me (or anyone else)?

You think that I'm an 'activist' for expressing my political opinions when others express their with just as much passion?

You think that I'm on here 'copy/pasting' too much but Kerr and many others aren't, even though some of them post far more than I do?

You think that I have an agenda, but others do not?

Just for the record I do not start any political posts on here. But I find that many posters put forward their own agendas either by starting threads or contributing avidly to them. Do they not have an agenda? They are starting them? Or is that ok and you turn the other way just because you happen to agree with their politics? The VAST majority of posts started on here push the agenda of 'right wing' politics and I (and others) probably in all futility challenge these ideas in most cases as the political argument is interesting (for the record, I may disagree fervently with Kerr but I respect his points of view and would probably get on very well if we met for a beer) or, less frequently because I find points that there is such a strong lean to the right (the new footy fan I suppose) that there needs to be counter balance.

I'm quite happy that I contribute to society thanks. This is a futile advancement that gets thrown at Kerr whenever he goes into expanded arguments and I would agree with him that it is a distraction from people that don't like what he is saying and simply want him to go away. I think it a shame that you should resort to such childish pointedness. Kerr is more than capable of looking after himself and if he wants to spar away, then I am happy to exchange views. Some are petty, some are pointless, some are stimulating and I've taken some things on board from him. At least he isn't of the bigot-brigade and for that I am grateful.