Max Hastings, who was Bozo's boss at the Torygraph, describes him as a gold medal egomaniac. He says he is utterly disorganised except in one area - managing his public image.
How has it come to this? Do people seriously think he is the best on offer? There's a rumour going round that Boris is superbright. That's bullocks. Just cos he can spout a bit of Greek and Latin and sounds like a nutty professor.
In an academic sense, he may possess some intelligence, but this man totally lacks nous. You are being sold a turkey.
Have people forgotten that he was actually sacked as Foreign Secretary. What a right royal mess he made of that. It is his fault that a woman continues languishing in an Iranian prison.
Bozo will, of course, win and then surround himself with 'yes' 'men'. Anyone of integrity will refuse to serve in his cabinet.
This country is so screwed up that the people deserve what they're going to get when Johnson accesses No 10.
The parallels with the team that used to play at Meadow Lane are striking except that their hell is here now. The UK's could arrive in late October.