Quote Originally Posted by seriouspie View Post
He could have been born in Timbuktu and christened Bill Smith ...... he's still entitled to be classed a gentleman as compared to Comrade C, a man who epitomises everything anti English, in fact a weaselly slob of a man (and every person I speak to, thinks the same)

"Arrogant rich tosspots" - Oh dear here we go again, the language of envy but never admitted to. Incidentally what's wrong with having a bit on the side eh? Try it and enjoy it if you haven't.

But Hey ho old lad, keep the red flag flying.
So your version of good stock is don't question belief in God or royalty but it's good form to play away from home and betray your wife (and kids) because that's all part of being a gentleman. You, sir, are a hypocrite.
I can only wonder what your wife and kids made of you.