Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
Rory Stewart is a highly intelligent and capable guy who would probably make a good Prime Minister. However, as with Kenneth Clarke before him, he needs to realise that his place is not with the Conservative Party.

The reality is that after many years when politicians have used the "major parties are a broad church" explanation to align themselves and seek positions of power with either Labour or the Conservatives, the grassroots of both parties are effectively taking back control of policy making. The Labour grassroots have dictated that the Labour Party will return to its Socialist principles, while the Conservative grassroots are dictating that the party will in future be defined as a Eurosceptic/Leave party. Conservative MPs who believe that's wrong no longer belong. Tom Watson in Labour has a similar dilemma.
In other words;

“I want the Tories to be racist extremists, and I want Labour to be unelectable Marxists”.

Despite the fact that for the majority of their histories, both parties have occupied somewhere in the middle ground. Glad we’ve cleared that up.