Flicking through the channels this afternoon/evening provided great entertainment across three sports.

British Grand Prix - Lewis Hamilton set the afternoon off with his record breaking 6th British Grand Prix win. Some may say he was fortunate to win as he was lying second when the safety car was deployed so he used a pit stop for a tyre change and on re entering the track he was left in pole. Same rules apply to all but, well done for holding his nerve and refusing a final tyre change to stay out on edgy tyres and chalk up another win.

A special mention goes to Vettel ramming Max Verstappen off the track in frustration! Your season's over pal let it go.

Wimbledon Tennis Final - What an immense match from two remarkable players. A 5 set thriller that finally saw
Novak Djokovic beat Roger Federer after a 12-12 tie break in the 5th set. A new rule brought in saw Djokovic finally triumph in a 13-12 tie break in the 5th set. Bearing in mind Federer is 38 next month made you realise just how super fit this guy is.

World Cup Cricket - Like I've previously posted, this was an amazing end to a final never seen before. To add to it being a World Cup final made it all the more dramatic.

Think my TV remote has gone into meltdown flicking through Sky, BBC 1 and Channel 4. Never known 6 hours pass so fast.