On a day when huge demonstrations around the world are in place, my contribution is once again to highlight the plight of the Arctic and Antarctic.
Why is the state of the sea ice so crucial?.....70% of our World is water, mostly in the form of oceans.
Water is basically the "dumping ground" or "hot water holding tank" of our world and absorbs all the excess heat, and the sea ice at opposite ends of our globe are the cooling methods to cool that water....it is one huge integrated model that mankind has managed to upset by fiddling with the heating controls!
A motor car would quickly over-heat if the cooling radiator was broken, blocked or had a hole in it.......we get closer every year to a "tipping point" where there will not be sufficient ice left at the poles to cool the ocean circulation....what happens then is anyones guess, huge thousand-year typhoons every week, somewhere in the world, to vent off the extra heat? (parts of Texas today have reached 4 feet of rain in 3 days, complete desolation, the Bahamas last week with hundreds dead and missing, parts of those islands completely obliterated)....these are no random experiences.

OK, scores on the doors.....date 17th Sept 2019, the Arctic (the North) reached it's lowest level for the year as we reach the September Solstice....and ONLY THE 2ND TIME CRASHED BELOW 4 MILLION SQ KMS....at 3.96 million
We have accurate data to compare this figure, satellites have been up over the poles since 1979....here are those stats....for the date of 17th Sept, by decade.

Arctic Ice 1980s - 7.3 million sq kms
1990s - 6.61
2000s - 5.49
2010s - 4.37
2019 - 3.96.....this is a monumental drop of ice, from 7.3 million to 3.96 million in only 40 years (all in my lifetime since leaving school in 1975, it's staggering and isn't slowing down!)

Now, the deniers will often say "ahhh, but the Antarctic is gaining ice"....is it?......let's have a look....remember, we are just measuring SEA ICE, ie the bit floating on top of the warming oceans. 17th Sept ie the height of the Southern winter, lot's of ice, or is there?

Antarctic Sea Ice - 1980s - 18.6 million sq kms
1990s - 18.49
2000s - 18.72...the 2000s was a good decade for the southern ice....but then
2010s - 18.6
2019 - 18.27

Add the 2 together for an accurate view of TOTAL WORLD SEA ICE....same date 17th Sept
1980s - 25.91
1990s - 25.1
2000s - 24.2
2010s - 22.97
2019 - 22.23......there is a fairly obvious pattern here, we are losing roughly between 800,000 and 1 million sq kms of sea ice every 10 years, not a problem?, we've got 22 million left x 10 years equals 200 years, plenty of engine coolant left before the engine grinds to a halt huh?.....I will leave others to speculate at which point in time does a "tipping point" occur where nature goes beserk in an effort to vent the planet....these are just figures after all, and most on here will be long gone by then, it's a problem for our grandkids to sort out...or is it?

Fact checker model, interactive...pick a date with the pointer.....2019 in red.