What a game for the neutral. What a roller coaster for the rest of us. A game in which neither side rally dominated and it was swings and roundabouts all the way.

Magical start. 1st minute, Holmes nicked the ball, sped off down the wing, crossed to Martin who put it in the net although the contact was not what he intended.

2nd half we score early doors again. Martin latched onto the ball following a slip by a defender and in acres of space takes it forward, gets caught up by the defence and threads a lovely ball to Waggy who puts it away. The first home win of the season looks on the cards........ uet again, Derby show they don't play cards.

56th minute and a corner gets headed home by Gardner, unchallenged. A free header. Us and dead ball situations again.

59th minute and our other failing rears its ugly head. Two or three half chances to clear the ball which we fail to do and Sunjic hammers it into the top right hand corner from outside the box. Roos had no chance.

Just a few minutes later, Brum got a penalty. It was one, no doubt about that and they moght have had one or two earlier with a different ref. Any way, Jutkiewicz got the chance to score, yet again, against Derby. He has scored more against us than he has against any other team. Step up Kelle Roos for his first senior penalty save and it was a save rather than a miss, hit low and hard aimed just inside the post.

On 74 minutes in a breakaway, Marriott put Paterson clear and he restored Derby's lead. That's the way it stayed.

This was a result the club needed more than any other in recent seasons. I was pleased to see both drivers left out of the game and I hope that situation remains, at least until after the court case.

Roos - Great penalty save, decent performance BUT he seems to be getting worse rather than better at handling high balls, especially under pressure.

Lowe - Another accomplished performance on the "wrong" side. I expect him to start there again at Barnsley in midweek as Bogle looked ring rusty when he came on and he looked like he needs a couple of cameos before starting a game.

Bielik - A 5 out of 10 performance from the big lad. A few good things but too many errors

Davies - The odd error but an assured performance for his first league start for over a year.

Malone - A better performance from him than most of his previous this season

Holmes - looking Gemmillesque but not quite Archie's level. He will be one of the first names on the sheet for Wednesday

Huddlestone - pass radar off in the first half but an assured performance. A certain video probably the reason he wasn't wearing the armband

Paterson - Closer to the levels he used to show against us. Has he now settled in and will we see more of this? I hope so.

Waghorn - A typical Waghorn display and took his goal very well

Martin - One goal and an assist and probably more yards in a game than any in the last 4 years or longer

Jozefzoon - a better performance from him than his previous games this season but still not, IMO, sufficient. I'd prefer to see JML on the left.

Cocu and Morris - 100% right in leaving the 2 drivers out. Great move by MM mingling with the fans before the game but I don't understand why he was telling fans it was his fault. Also a good move walking round the perimeter just before kick off. The club has, IMO, handled the incident well thus far and I wouldn't change a thing they have done since Tuesday.