Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
Whether I like it or not Frank the electorate have no appetite for left wing policies , it's no appetite for Corbyn and Abbott even if there are some left policies they would sign up to .

We've had a decade of brutal austerity and the pantomime that is brexit , we are on our third Tory PM during this period plus a Deputy PM in Clegg and still Labour trail in the polls .

The alternative is for the ERG running the show so something has to give .

The only way Labour will see power again is to reboot New Labour in my opinion .

Hopefully Starmer who despite his Blair credentials has at least shown a willingness to work with the left and can understand the problems many working class people are facing today and more importantly putting policies in play that actually help them to prosper far more than they did under Blair .

For Labour to get in to government my multi millionaire owner at work needs to vote for them , middle management , the lads on the shop floor and the lass at the snack cabin around the corner .

Currently there isn't a vote within the business heading Labour's way .

The real answer Animal is to pretend to be on the side of the working class [like the Tories do whilst at the same time picking their pockets {austerity} & lining their cronies pockets ] but I guess that is probably your point