Mine is Motherwell ... have never got ower Willie fkn Pettigrew and that late 70s League cup gubbin.... add tae that their cheatin us oot o' second in the league a few year back.

In recent years, painful as the losses have been tae lower league opposition, Ah've always said 'fair play' tae the respective 'diddies' .... but losin tae the rat munchers always feels worse. That 0-3 wis a hoor!

As much as Ah enjoy the misfortunes o' the diets and the PJMs .... historically, Motherwell have jist ayewis made ma teeth spontaneously clench an' ma brow furrow.

.... then there's Livingstone an' St fkn Johnstone .... two stones - nae a ****in ******* atween them.

So ... fit's yours?