Firstly we need to celebrate gaining a point at Morecambe. Get the bunting out for that one.

Something is wrong.

Diagnosing it is beyond the abilities of the club, its like a watch fixing itself, or a small clique suddenly firing a well loved member, even though he hasn't a clue about his job, but can tell good jokes.

Which brings me to Graham Daniels. This season and last, he said that this is a talented squad that is underachieving. How devastatingly wrong is that. Not only that, he thinks we should be doing better. The truth is Calderwood did the best he could getting the club to a short distance to the playoffs, then having the rug ripped from under him.

I also accuse Bonner Strang and Taylor of being substandard. We focus on the good players this club produces, but never on its failures, ...which are astronomical. Just look at an example, Jake Carroll. Why on earth was he signed? He was embarrassing.

And the rest. These signings have brought devastation to this club. Strang has wrought a plague on this club, a plague of inadequacy. Then there is Mark Bonner, what is his role in this disaster? He puts the cones out I suppose, I hope hes just a gofer.

Taylor got sacked at Long Melford, what on earth was he doing in the dugout on Saturday? O hang on, hes one of the boys. Great player though.

I suppose you know where im going with this, Calderwood needs to appoint his own first team coach, and develop a scouting net. We need to trust him, not Daniels. How Daniels can judge Calderwood is a bad state of affairs, this is a man who defended Derry to the last.

Daniels must be dispensed with, why is he needed? When these three faults dovetail together, we get failure, its time Barry got his act together. Or is it him? If nothing changes, and we survive this, next season will relegate us. Projections into the future is not hardware this club has. When you watch United, believe what you are seeing, an attitude that this is a learning curve is wrong. Its c rap.

When Barry took over I knew tedium, stagnation, regression, hopelessness would sweep this club. Why?, because our last 25 years were like that. Its not hard to figure out. And it would be done on the cheap, he looks at the cost of everything, down to the last farthing.

Many years ago I knew someone who worked for a rich man. Mid afternoon, if they wanted an ice cream, she would go for them. And she would pay for them, and he would say he would pay her back, he never did, that's how you get rich.

Now that we have an owner, our hands and feet are tied. The only way to show dissatisfaction is not to go, I don't. Im not paying to watch that trashy, amateurish nonsense, ballet dancers trying to be men. I suspect this club is finished, its in a strangle hold. It will be slow though...….

The northern league will stretch as far as Cambridge soon, Belper, Stocksbridge and Spalding will be visiting Cambridgeshire teams.
