In this week where Baftas and Oscars are getting handed out i would like to give you and your fellow members of The Dark Blues a massive thank you for my thread in the Dundee FC Discussion section of your fansite.Its a massive honour to me and the rest of the bedsit to have my own thread next to Dorrans,Hemmings and Mcpake.
I honestly have not got a clue who Gadz is but i accept fully that Craig Wighton's goal sent us down.To be really honest with you Cobra i have suffered much bigger disappointment's at Hampden than i have ever suffered at Dens,although i have witnessed more cup lifting than any Dee alive on planet earth i have also suffered more cup final heartache than any Dee as well.
I would imagine your poster Ferry Pub Crawl must know me personally as he said,"The boys a knob FACT."Some of the other Funsters let themselves doon in my opinion thinking that i am part of some sleeper cell waiting or already posting on your board.
IF and its a big IF that your football club was as well run as the board you post on us Arabs would have something to worry about and i can assure you i would never do anything to undermine one of my favourite message boards,FACT.