Quote Originally Posted by KCNotts View Post
Passing it around the defence in triangles is the most pointless tactic that we could possibly employ. I feel very strongly about that. These defenders are playing in the conference, the nature of their positions on the field means that the majority of them do not possess silky passing abilities! Why would you ask the worst passers on the team to pass it around the most risky part of the field? It's ludicrous. It is also incredibly predictable and easy to play against. Any decent opposition know that all they need to do is press us until somebody inevitably makes a mistake. I have never seen a Notts side give the ball away so often as this side does. It's painful.

What happens is that eventually a defender will play it forward, bypassing midfield. The ball will be intercepted and immediately we are on the back foot. There is literally no argument to suggest this tactic is working. Arguably the best forward players in the league are starved of service game after game. It DOESN'T WORK!!!

On these pitches against this opposition and with these players, direct is how we should be playing. Let their defenders make the mistakes and let's actually use some of the pace we have in the side.
But you've just said that when we play it forward it will be intercepted and we are immediately on the back foot...