My young lad went to Ayr last night,we finished work at 4PM in Monifieth and i rushed him back to Dundee because he was getting picked up at 4.30.When i picked him up for work the next day he said,"It was FN brutal last night and we hardly managed a shot on target,i was offered a ticket for Partick on Saturday for £6 but i turned it down because i am not willing to watch that shyte anymore."
Now i am sure we are gonna win this league but statistics mean F ALL when your team is playing garbage football,i frankly admit that i have went from attending almost every game home and away(Challenge Cup included)to picking and choosing games i wish to attend these days due to fodder being served up.
When a total die hard like my son say's he has had enough we should sit up and take notice,he never ever has a bad word to say about United.He will never come on this board and say a bad word about his team but he is at the end of his tether with the football he is watching.
When i read our manager was happy with the outcome at Somerset Park i begin to realise why Hearts supporters wanted rid of him,he gets paid to watch that shyte whereas we need to pay to get in.We hoped to be celebrating a League win but recent performances have us limping over the line with the majority of fans underwhelmed since the Christmas holiday.