Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Parkstone View Post
Back to football and covid, don't you think that it's the government's awful handling of the crisis that has meant we have lost access to the beautiful game? Had we adopted the German or the Danish approach we would have, erm, still not played the games but felt much better about it.

And what about that dreadful Ryan Clark-Neal. His existence is entirely Boris Johnson's fault, and how can he keep social distancing with people racing uncontrollably round the shop running into each other. And no sanitiser either.

And magpies, I had one of them in the garden yesterday, bullying the neighbours cat who was trying to steal his eggs. Typical Tory, even had bits of blue on his wings and was mostly white. I blame the government for giving these birds financial support while little robins get nothing.
Finger well on the pulse, I think you mean Rylan