Quote Originally Posted by Robus View Post
Norton, is that your fatwa on the true meaning of Islam? Get busy proselytizing, mate. There are millions of Muslims who think you are wrong.

Call to arms? Here is my prediction. The English are already a becoming minority in their major cities. As John Cleese said recently, your capital is no longer an English city at all. In two generations the English will be a minority in your own country. The country you inherited from your ancestors, you refused to pass on to your own descendants. You have condemned your children and grandchildren to refight the wars of religion. Barehanded.

Meanwhile, how has mass immigration been for your civil liberties? Do you have to right to say in public what I just wrote. Why not? Whose feelings are more important than your freedom to speak? Wake up.
We’re just not going to agree about much are we?

Immigration is a necessity in the UK to support an ageing and declining population. The demographic is changing, but hey ho that’s globalisation for you, not everyone has blonde hair and blue eyes anymore but we haven’t descended into ‘rivers of blood’ either. I don’t need to wake up thanks my eyes are wide open to my world, there is only one certainty in life, change, live with it.