I have no problem with what he has done, IF and it's a very BIG IF, it happened as he has claimed.

I put the question to anyone in the supposed scenerio.

Your wife is showing symptoms of Covid. You have no alternative suitable childcare locally. You are faced with 2 options.

First, you've got enough fuel in your car to make a journey to an isolated property without stopping, close to a carer who you are happy to look after your 4 year old, should you become ill.

Second, you stay at home hoping that you don't contract a very infectious virus, which if you wait for it to happen, it will be too late to make the journey as you and/or your wife will be too poorly to make the journey. But never mind you can arrange for some stranger who is willing to look after your 4 year old from a covid infected household.

This is assuming the conditions are as we've been told, Frankley, I have my doubts, but have heard no evidence to the contrary, yet.

Are there any other alternatives?