Revisited: takeover podcast.

This guy talks a lot of nonsense about the takeover.

They have a section from a Barrister who clearly define the legal scope of the ODT. That is how a board member can be accepted or rejected. Nothing else.

He then disagrees with the Barrister comments and says 'Perhaps he knows more about these things than me, I don't know.' Well, Luke, let me tell you. He does know more than you about these things and you, as a journalist is to report FACT not spout your own no-nothing-opinions.


He then poses fatuous questions, answers them then says that the answer may not be the case?

Follows on by apologising to those who's mental health may have been affected by the whole thing when he and his ilk are the ones heaping stress and anxiety on to those who are adversely affected psychologically by constantly printing garbage baseless, factless articles to pocket a few extra quid.
