Well Fulham fan base ain't happy on Fulham Web !

ROC' i am glad you brought up the subject of the 'other forwards'. This is our problem at Fulham. It would be interesting to see Mitrovic defending our lines with his physical present and in the mean-time, the likes of Knockheart and Cavaliero do what forwards do up front? Would they know what to do in those positions? Has Scott Parker got any plans, systems, shapes or even any ideas how our other players can adapt? The answer is a 'NO'!!! And these are the questions i and others would like to question. It all comes down to experience again, and if we go with Parker, we will fail. It is only a matter of time until the wheels fall completely off his time at Fulham...

And .......

After yesterday’s performance some of us want to leave players out and use various players from the squad. That is the norm from most clubs who have a player or players that are not performing. You have to ask why they are not playing well. Not fit, injured or not in the right frame of mind? If it’s not one of These the coaching staff need to look at themselves, maybe it’s because they are not comfortable with Parker’s system. How much longer is Parker going to keep trying to play a system that does not work? Us fans have been mentioning this for a few seasons now. Since Parker has been in charge I can honestly say that I am never confident that we will get a win. I must also add that Parker never shows any emotion on the line, this cannot be good for player morale.

Mmm,food for thought folks Parker is not wanted.