Not about Jack though.

In the mid sixties I was doing my teacher training at St Paul's College at Cheltenham. We use to have a number of adult educationists from various points around the World on short one term education courses.

College sport took place on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday afternoons, and because the college had a strong PE course we maintained a good standard of sports fixtures. One chap who came over from the Cameroons, realised that a cheap way to see Great Britain was to travel on the sports bus to the various games. For example if the first football team were playing Aston Villa reserves he would get a free trip to Birmingham or if the Badminton team were playing one of the London Colleges he would go with them.

On this particular Wednesday, we were playing Rugby against Cardiff training college, so he travelled with us. As we neared Chepstow, one of the lads asked Tiny, as we called him, If he had brought his passport with him. He hadn't so just outside the Welsh Border we stopped the bus and put Tiny in the boot to smuggle him into Wales. Once over the border we stopped and took him out again.

During the course of the game, the Welsh winger took off from the half way line and was flying before our number eight forward smashed him into touch with a great tackle. We noticed quickly that there were three people on the deck. One was not in kit , it was Tiny. As he was dragged to his feet blood poured from a bad cut above his eye, St Johns Ambulance to the rescue. It needed stiches so they took him to Cardiff Hospital.

After the game, and the after match meal and drinks, we went to the Hospital to collect our injured spectator. He was sat on a bench in reception with a huge white bandage around his head. He was as white as a sheet, apparently terrified that he hadn't got his passport with him..

Yes you have guessed it, we still put him in the boot to smuggle him back out of Wales. No one let on too him all the while he was in college, that it was a practical joke. He lived on what had happened to him and earned many free drinks as he regaled the story of being smuggled into Wales, during his stay in Cheltenham.

And we were training to be teachers!!!