Weel, since the doors are still shut ... maybe it's a good time tae collaborate on some new songs/chants.

As a muso fa does informal sessions, Ah think 'simple' is accessible ... if ye can get four lines together ... where the third an' fourth are constant, and the first an' second are flexible ... then ye hae a song which can 'evolve' athoot goin 'extinct' ...

Ah'll come back tae this point.

Consider 'Bring on on the Hearts, the Hibs, the Celtic' ..... there was a certain point in time where the last part of this line was changed to 'the Rangers' .... but the song remained the same.... chat among yersels, but lets move on.

Consider 'It's magic ... ye know ... ye'll never get 9 in a row' ... well ... that wisna made tae last eh?

... or 'Peter Pawlett baby' ?

Simplicity is key .. eg: 'Get in tae them - boot boot' ... became 'Get intae them - heid first!' ... an improvement for sure

.... but returning to my point I said I would return to ....

there are some trad songs which might be handy tae adapt ...

....the key is gettin that wee bit o' the words which will prevail .... unlike 'the sheep are on fire'

.... conversely, 'we don't give a ****, whoever you may be - cos we are the famous Aberdeen' ... will 'rock on' in spite of said fame dissipating with time.

Straight to the point tho .... and considering the simplicity and strength of tune ... the traditional humourist song 'Johnny Lad' was made for a rowdy fitba chant.

Lets do the first bit first ... cos the rest is easy.

We replace .... ' And wi you, and wi' you, and wi' you Johnny Lad, Ah'll dance the buckles aff ma sheen wi; you ma Johnny lad'

Now ... unless there's case for dedicatin the song tae one Mr Hayes, writin first an second lines in accordance, and the song dyin as soon as he's 'done' .... we need tae get generic - ish.

But .... Ah'll strike the first blow .... hopefully tae inspire better ... and suggest ... retainin the humour ...

"And tae you, and tae you, and tae you Ah micht be mad,
But Ah'll be a Dons supporter til Ah'm aulder than ma dad"

"And fae you, and fae you, and fae you we're standin free,
So stash yer sash, yer rosary beads an' car-a-van-ery'

.... OK, Ah chuckled as Ah considered 'til Ah wear an incontinence pad .. and potpourri/popery ... but well ... it jist disna 'scan'

And so, Ah'm leavin it there .... for some ither clivver ******* tae play wi .... these lines are the 'cake icin' ... but in terms o' songwritin, very often, the icin comes first, and the cake gets made efter.

.... Ideas for 'cake?' ....

Well .... if the 'icin' gets sorted, then the ither two - first two lines dinna need tae closely relate ... ither than bein stuff worth singin ... so .... a wee stab at ideas.

'Ah kent a man ca'd Joey fa could ayeways find the net,
Yer daein fine young Cosgrove but yer nae the King jist yet " ... and tae ...

'Ah was at the game in 88 and saw a leg get broke
Ah shed some tears an' drank some beers then laughed until Ah choked' ... and tae ...

'There was a man c'd Gerard, many medals he has won,
Now on a minimum wage he's winnin nithin for the hun' ... and tae you ... etc.

.... and on the assumption you guys can dae better .... Ah leave it thus ...