Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Parkstone View Post
You may recall 12 months ago that I thought the valuation / the profit it generated / nepotic nature of the transaction was very suspect. Since when various people have pointed to the EFL sanctioning the transaction and thus it would be hypocritical of them to then act against the club for carrying out something that it has signed off on.

Somewhere in the middle of this ball of conteadiction must lie an element of truth. The amortisation issue should be no more than a smokescreen if it's been going like that for several years without contradiction.

So I revert to my original stance. The principal involved, and what we have done, seems wrong. But if someone in authority has okayed it, then so be it. But it plainly is not that clear cut as it would have been sorted months ago
Geoff the EFL have had two independent values of their own done since . One valued the stadium at £40million and the other at £60million . That is where the problem lies if you have ten estimates you are likely to get ten different valuations . I always thought value of anything is what someone is prepared to pay . Anyway that's not getting us any closer to a decision .