Quote Originally Posted by Deeranged View Post
Are you genuinely mental? The SNP now controls individual doctors and tells them what they can and cannot think?

You need to go back to that doctor and ask for a referral to a decent shrink because you're away with it.
My brother died in January 2017 aged 56 from what can only be described as an ‘NHS ticking time bomb’.
My brother could still be alive if the results of an investigation in 2007 had not been ‘swept under the carpet’ by Health Secretary’s at both Westminster and Holyrood. The treatment my brother had received which ultimately caused his death in 2017 previously took place in an Edinburgh Hospital.
In March 2017 I spoke to a Health professional and he told me in that in 2004 he knew about the ‘side effects’ of the treatment which caused my brother’s death in 2017 but health professionals are not allowed to speak out. Whistleblowing is frowned upon in the NHS.
As a result of my anaphylactic shock I have spoken to various health professionals trying to find out what caused my near death experience about the cause of my brother’s death as a result of treatment he received many years before. They also know about the problem but they are mot allowed to speak out and blow the whistle.
A Labour peer with an Islay connection is a worried man. I informed him at the end of June 2017 that my brother died in January 2017 as a result of an investigation bring swept under the carpet at Westminster when the Labour Government was in power. I further added that a Health professional knew about the problem in 2004 which put another four Labour Health Secretaries in the frame. This Labour Peer’s computer suddenly went into ‘holiday mode’ and I received an ‘out of office’ reply informing me that he was on holiday until the beginning of September 2017.
Towards the end of September 2017 I sent this Labour Peer another email but he never replied.
However he is still alive and kicking as I noticed last year that he opened the new Ardnahoe Distillery on Islay
People throughout the U.K will have died since 2017 from the same condition as my brother but nobody is prepared to do anything about it.
I will not die from the same health condition as my brother as I have not had the same treatment as he received many years ago.
I will probably die from stress dealing with people who will not accept that I post facts on this and other forums.