My little black and white cat Millie passed away last night.

It was all very sudden, she let out a horrible screech and when I found her in a bedroom she was panting and in obvious distress.

I carried her downstairs and put her on her feet and she collapsed and emptied her bladder.

Luckily I found a late night vets in Worcester and they took her in and although willing to treat her it meant lots of tests on a distressed loved one of almost 13 years old.

The wife originally found her online at a cat rescue so I let her make the final decision which we both knew was the right one.

My wife stayed with her as she was out to sleep but I was just too distressed so I went to say goodbye and then went in afterwards but I just couldn’t bare to see the light go out of her eyes.

Such a sweet natured, tiny black and white who never grew to any size due to a bad start in life........not once did she ever bite or nip anyone in her life, not even when having one of the many injections she had to have to keep her going for the last few years.

I will truly miss this quirky little thing, she has brought us unbelievable pleasure and has never ventured more than 100 feet from home.

It’s so hard to believe that the tiny bundle we brought home in August 2008 has lived her life and passed........animals are young and then very old before you know it.

RIP were a ⭐️