Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
I very much agree mate.

I really don’t get this panic to “mix” at Xmas........the utter desperation for families to be able to get together.

The worst arguments and the most awkward situations in our family over the last 20 years have been at Xmas time with people being unnaturally “forced” together in a social setting.

My mother in law ( God rest her soul ) and my wife have been the two worsts purveyors of this crime.

Mother in law used to make it very clear that EVERYONE had to get together even though my wife’s father didn’t like me and I had no time for him and I really couldn’t stand my sister in law or any of the different blokes she was with across many Xmas’s.

In his mid 70’s the father in law swung a punch at me because I’d had enough of putting up with sister in law at her house on Boxing Day and I’d politely made an excuse and tried to leave.

My daughter’s mother in law and my sister in law worked together and hate each other yet get forced into each other’s company and that broke out into a major cat fight and loads of tears five years ago.

My brother and I don’t get on and had a massive ruck at my house a few years ago at Xmas due to him trying to be a smart a r s e and points score off me and my kids then stepped in and got involved.

Me and him haven’t spoken in three years now.

All this false bonhomie does my head in.

All Xmas is is an excuse for people to get p I s s e d.

I’m glad I won’t have to see many people this year and that me and the missus can go away ( hopefully) to Tenby on Boxing Day for ten day.
You would have loved the Cromwell years.😂