Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
As someone in similar circumstances but a bit older than you, I fully understand what you are saying. I have three daughters and a granddaughter, and really welcome this progress. My concern is that some want to see an overnight change in attitudes, and that just isn't going to happen. When extreme examples get rammed down people's throats it can have the opposite effect. An example I mean is that a basically decent principle like political correctness has become a dirty word because extremes have been used to belittle it.
The thing is though Elite, racism and s e xism have been going on for centuries, so I don't think anyone who has faced these issues is even vaguely expecting an overnight change. It doesn't seem unreasonable to want it though.

Just as those of us who are white can't understand what racism must feel like, men will never know what s e xism is like to be on the receiving end of.

Agree that using ridiculous examples only diminishes this really serious issue. Going back to Thommo though, the multiple examples of what he actually said, rather than the initial headline, seem to me to be out of step with how society is changing. It's refreshing that some men on here can see that.