Quote Originally Posted by fatfan View Post
Your right but I'll blame the bod for not allowing a successful side at Palmerston. Even if we did compete at the top end, come the end of the season most players will leave and the manager has to start from scratch and build again. What chance has he got? And that's down to the bod not spending money on the side. The team is made up of players on one season contracts and loan signings. Ferguson spent how many years at man Utd building a team that brought success? Klopp spent about 5 years at Liverpool before winning his league. And that's all with better resources than what Johnstone has got. So equate that to queens level. Please explain how the manager has any chance. We look at the livi team that went up through the league's. That team was together for a good few seasons. Johnstone will never get that luxury from the current bod. So yes spike...I will point the finger at the bod when the complaint is lack of success. Like I mentioned. If the target is to survive in the league then how can anyone complain when we are still in the championship. But if the target is success then the policies at queens will never bring sustained success and that is down to the bod

fatfan you could shout till your blue in the face about our piss poor budgets on this site ,thay all stick up for hewitson and co as if thay were joined at the hip ,truth is hewitson and co are penny pinching clowns that need shifted from office fast .