I thought I would do a bit of research and find out some stats for this season. Make of them what you will...

Team Stats: Our rank within the league

Yellow Cards - Equal 2nd - 40 (Stoke 1st - 43)
Penalties awarded for - Equal 3rd - 4
Penalties conceded - 2nd - 6 (Cov have 8!!)
Average possession - 18th - 46.2%
Shots per 90 minutes - 9th - 11.3
Shots on target per 90 minutes - 19th - 3.20
Shots faced per 90 minutes - 17th - 10.85 (Wyc 1st - 14.83)
Shots on target faced per 90 minutes - 7th - 4.10
Save percentage - 19th - 67%

I used per 90 minutes stats mostly to not skew our games in hand factor

Player Stats: Our highest ranked within the whole league

Most minutes played - Ihiekwe - 1710 minutes - 70th (with games in hand)
Blackman save percentage - 13th - 70%
Ladapo goals per 90 minutes - 20th - 0.35 (Smudge 25th - 0.33)
Olosunde assists per 90 minutes - 4th (yes, 4th) - 0.38
Barlaser goals and assists combined per 90 minutes - 30th - 0.40
Ihiekwe yellow cards - 2nd - 7
Barlaser shots on target - 15th - 50% (Smith 54th - 41% with over double the attempts per 90)
Ladapo shots per goal - 38th - 0.15% (4 goals from 27 shots)
Smith shots on target - 28th - 13
Lindsay tackles - 65th - 20 (we don't seem to make many successful ones)
Crooks and Ladapo fouls committed - 25th - 31 each
Wiles fouls drawn - 46th - 30
Ladapo offsides - 45th - 7
Harding interceptions - 10th - 43

Like I said, you guys may find some surprising like I did or just a load of numbers haha. Obviously I selected our highest rank player in each category for the player stats....