Quote Originally Posted by TipperaryBaggie View Post
I am sure that if we assessed the main reasons the 17.4 million voted to leave the EU, trade would be down the list and certainly behind sovereignty, regaining our own laws and having control over our borders. I do feel for the business people on this forum with all this extra administration but I feel that we should wait to see whether the system settles down over time.
To me this is where we differ.

Trade was the only decision to make on the referendum in my opinion. And many who voted leave didn't vote based on trade. Again proves to you the success of the PR Leave machine.

And when you say 'wait for it to settle down' then I'm afraid much of the damage done is now irreparable. Our credibility in the world is extremely low. Assets have been moved to Europe and won't return. Some UK companies have lost business, some will go to the wall. This will affect employment and living standards. Its a high price to pay for a blue passport.