I don't want to suggest doom and gloom despite being a perennial pessimist. However, the last few games, the team have looked jaded and a little downbeat. In addition to that is the statistic of 1 win in the last 7 games. We're probably going to lose Pickering in the next 24 hours (although there is talk of a loan-back arrangement) and this leaves Wintle and Kirk from last season's stars. Wintle hasn't been himself recently and seems to be unsettled and definitely on his way out in the Summer at the latest. Charlie had a better game yesterday and took his chance well. In the meantime Offord, Ainley and Lundstram are injured for an unknown period of time and the Powell we knew last season has disappeared to be replaced by an alien that doesn't move in the same way at all. Dale had a good run of games along with a handful of goals but has, seemingly, been sacrificed to make way for Walker. Many may say, after his performance as a substitute for Walker yesterday, that we saw why but I would suggest that being dropped to make way after recent form may be a contributing factor to the poor show.
It was good to have Mandron back because although he didn't score, he was responsible for starting the move that led to Charlie scoring. That particular bit of action, showed what he has that Porter doesn't (not knocking Porter as who wouldn't love to have him as your backup number 9?). Murphy did a lot a tidying up at the back of midfield but hasn't much creativity. For that we rely on Lowery who hasn't moved on from last season's performances, yet.(but we know he has some extenuating circumstances).
At the back, we could be left with 2 inexperienced full-backs and an ageing Billy Jones. Travis isn't too bad but despite thinking Billy was a great signing in his first game, he laboured a little against Ipswich. Rio, in the meantime needs a big boost to his confidence and needs to be urged to put his speed to use on the left. As for Lancashire and Beckles, well..... not long ago i said this pairing were immense (x2!). Then, in successive matches, one of them drops clangers (some much bigger than others) and give away points.
There's one person I haven't mentioned yet....I'm sure people know who I am talking about...........Oli Finney.
I've written almost a bookful of comments about but I'll just say on thing about DA's fave and that is, when we are scrapping for points, like we have been recently, you need 10 outfield players fully involved. Certainly in midfield you need people who can move the ball around, scrap, tackle and, importantly, show some ball control and passing ability. Finney is NOT that person!
Maybe as the season goes on and the work rate catches up on those teams who ill be very busy catching up their games in hand, and the pitches improve, things will return to how they were in 2020 (for the Alex). So a bit of patience is required, something I'm not widely known for but we'll see.