Am new to the site and this comment from BBC sport this evening really says it All!

Comment posted by Shy Talk, today at 20:02
Shy Talk

I hope that Garlick and Banaszkiewicz, who have each made fortunes in this Yank sell out; (the club reportedly now £90M worse off and saddled with debt); looked up from counting their money to see the side and bench Dyche had to put out. When I saw it, I thought we would be lucky to get away with 0-5. Outclassed but never stopped.

PACE-”judge us by results and what we do” well I am waiting.

Garlick and Banaszkiewicz-Well I cannot comment on the financial aspects, as I am not qualified to-with my limited knowledge however it doesn't inspire me with confidence.

Bluntly, the team is too old,too slow,one dimensional and boring.

We need to begin casting a wider net and recruit some foreign talent.

Years of neglect,under investment; and some shockingly bad signings have brought us to this point.

Can anyone offer me a shred of optimism?

Brighton next, and at 5.00 PM this Saturday it's likely we will be back here again!