Is there a case to say that the vaccination percentages in some areas could see restrictions lifted early? Below is cases/100k - number vaccinated - percentage vaccinated.

Western isles, 48.7 - 10,912 - 48.6
Shetland Isles, 0 - 8,588 - 45.9
D & G, 51.1 - 57,163 - 45.5
South Ayrshire, 69.3 -43,109 - 45.4
Angus, 50.8 - 40,059 - 41.3
Argyle and Bute, 21 - 29,313 - 40.2

I expect over the next 2 weeks that some of these will pass through 50%, and with cases/100k all under Tier 2(?) figures, its harder to make a case to say no!

Just for interest,
With Falkirk at the highest cases/100k(figures up because of surge testing?), 219.4 - 42,116 - 31.7
Lowest vaccination area Edinburgh, 93.9 - 117,076 - 26.3
Second lowest, Glasgow, 144.4 - 140,381 - 26.4
Dundee just cause, 58.9 - 46,167 - 36.9