Maybe good news for you BT? ''No jab ,no jab!''

Israeli company says oral COVID-19 vaccine on its way
“An oral COVID-19 vaccine would eliminate several barriers to rapid, wide-scale distribution, potentially enabling people to take the vaccine themselves at home.”

An Israeli-American pharmaceutical company is preparing to launch a Phase I clinical trial for what could become the world’s first oral COVID-19 vaccine.
The vaccine is based on Oramed’s “POD” oral delivery technology and Premas’s vaccine technology.
Premas has been working on developing a vaccine against the novel coronavirus since March.

“An oral COVID-19 vaccine would eliminate several barriers to rapid, wide-scale distribution, potentially enabling people to take the vaccine themselves at home, while ease of administration is critical today to accelerate inoculation rates, an oral vaccine could become even more valuable in the case that a COVID-19 vaccine may be recommended annually like the standard flu shot.”

The company completed a pilot animal study and found that the vaccine promoted the development of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies and Immunoglobulin A (IgA). Blah, blah, blah, etc! BT , after that you can go to footy matches? :-)