BUT ..... a thread again has been started on the BBS about me - and this forum is the only way I’ve got of answering accusations against me from the BBS.
Sorry in advance.

I’ve had trolls on my back on the BBS for years.
They know who they are.
BBS Admin did absolutely nothing about it.

I then try on the BBS to have a grown up discussion about racism.
My line of debate was this - and I’ll stick by this, that not everyone that uses the N or P word are necessary racist.
I personally have been called the P word several times in my life.
The people using it were not being racist towards me - and I didn’t take offence.
These words are used mostly by people of certain generations - the older generations.
I continually said on the BBS that these are words that I wouldn’t use myself.
In NONE of the discussions did I indicate that I HATED any group or race.

But (and I should have known better) my discussion caused the dimwit trolls to crawl out of the BBS woodwork.
What followed was a constant avalanche of racist accusations against me.
These people don’t know me - and if they did they would soon realise that those accusations are laughable if they weren’t that SERIOUS.
For example - I have close family members and friends that are Indian.
How many people within the Barnsley District can claim that ???

The accusations of being a racist went on for weeks.
I complained to BBS Admin about it.
No actions were taken.
So I tested whether BBS Admin were actually reading these posts - so I posted under a thread from one of the main instigators of the racist accusations and accused him of being a rapist.
And asked him to prove his innocence by trial of message board.
That post was deleted inside of 20 minutes and I was banned from the BBS.
Which shows of course that BBS Admin was monitoring the board and allowed the accusations of racism levelled at me to be maintained for weeks.

The main thing to note here is this - ive no quarrel with the hard of thinking BBS trolls - they clearly don’t know any better.
My grievance here is with BBS Admin as they clearly supported the serious racist accusations thrown at me.
Why ???

We now have a situation where Tykes TV has come under a similar attack.
It would be a massive coincidence if those accusing Tykes TV are not the same sh.ite individuals that remain swimming in the BBS sewer.
By not getting rid of them - the BBS Admin is supporting them.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I used to love the BBS - I wouldn’t go back on there now for a gold pig.