As some of you know I’ve had health concerns since the turn of the year.

Today I went into the wonderful little cottage hospital in Evesham for an endoscopy ( camera down the throat into the stomach )
a procedure I’d been dreading.

My wife had the same thing a month ago but she’s braver than me, she gave me the confidence to go for mine and not wimp out.

I was shocked as to how quick and simple the procedure is, I had the sedation but in reality it doesn’t knock you out, or at least you don’t think you’ve been knocked out.

The whole thing took two minutes and was completely pain free and stress free so if ever you’re asked to take one please do so, if someone as hospital phobic as me can come out saying it’s easier than having a filling at the dentist done then anyone can do this.

I wouldn’t blink if I got called for another.

On inspection I’d got a hiatus hernia which is the reason I get so much acid reflux even though I medicate and I have a couple of stomach polyps that are apparently benign and if no concern.

The wave of relief is palpable, I don’t believe in God but I’m thankful to whatever it is that brings me continued good far.

If you ever need an endoscopy please do snatch their hand off, you won’t feel a thing.

The staff at Evesham were wonderful as well, such nice people, my thanks to them all.