After the semi-success* of doing this last year to ease the pain of lockdown in the virtual race, I thought I'd give it another go in the real thing on Saturday. The prize is a £10 free bet on anything you can find a market on with the mainstream bookies. The rules are simple, just register your interest and you will be allocated a horse on a first come first served basis. There should be 40 runners, so if only 10 people enter you will get 4 horses each. There is no draw, the first person to enter gets number one, the second number two and so on. The earlier you enter the more chance you have of getting more than one horse. The two main rules are that this is open to absolutely anyone who posts on here or reads this, the only person not allowed to enter is me. Secondly, you must select the bet yourself. I will find the best odds I can from the eight bookies I have accounts with, and you can make your bet public on here or private through the PM thing. Nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain, so get yer names down.

* last year generated a fair bit of interest, but the prize is still unclaimed. It turned into a Notts Crowdfunder pledge of a name in the match program and flashed up on the scoreboard. It's still available and I hope the winner will claim it (he will be offered it first) when we allowed back, but this time it has to be strictly the £10 free bet.