Quote Originally Posted by Jussi View Post
Hope it's not the usual 'I'll give all the players a chance' routine.
Already sounds like it’s leaning towards that. I suppose it’s to be expected but I’d really like to save him a fair amount of time by informing him that Ash Taylor is ****e, we’ve nae good strikers, not a single midfielder that can split a defence, and only Hedges can cross a ball in the whole team. But by all means....on yersel Glass.

I honestly can’t believe we’re looking to hold on to Taylor or a few others for that matter. McLennan has regressed so badly I wonder if he’s still in the correct sport. Maybe that’s something the new staff can address.

If he’s not interested in Griffiths who would hands down be the best goal scorer (and savior of the North East gambling industry) we’ve had in many a year, then I hope he’s got something up his sleeve....wait.....hang on.....my crystal ball is clearing.....I see something....

It’s an Atlanta reserve striker we’ve never heard of.