Readings club accounts don't make, very good reading, the club accounts just
published for the 12 months ending June 2020.
The club lost £43m in the 12 months ending June 2020, showing the club
borrowed £87m from the owner, & has accumulated losses of £138m.
Auditors say there has to be, a ' material doubt as to whether, the company
can continue, as a going concern '.
The average first team weekly wage is £17,460
With the clubs overall wage & salary bill, was £37.6m.

Fans responding to announcement, one put -

Reading 2019/20 accounts published
Operating loss £43m
Wages 211% of revenue
Total accumulated losses £138m
Borrowing £87m
Furlough income £820,000
Player signings £16m
Average weekly wage £17,460