A few thoughts....
There’s a different feel to this board lately. Even Nudger has been quiet.

I do think that we should all try to stick to the agenda of the original post as much as possible ,.....and use the O/T thread starter like we used to.
Hijacking threads with a daft quip like a play on words is fun, We all do that in real life, and ESPECIALLY when we banter in the boozer., that’s why we go there, and that’s just the same as why we come here ...to have a bit of stupid talk now and again.....but a total change of tack half way through a thread about football to Politics, or a Politics thread to Football or turning a decent challenging debate about politics or something else around to hating the owners or GOD FORBID even football!

I’m guilty... I know, I’ve done it , ( even though I don’t often comment on Politics, as I’m not experienced in the field. I have views, and keep them to myself, they MAY be welcome on here.....Maybe not......so I keep quiet. I’m not as articulate as most in expressing them.

It’s difficult to NOT read this forum every day...... we’ve all said that’s the last post we’re putting up. SB is still replying.....even though he said he wouldn’t. It’s hard to give up....

I fell out with Exile “Big Style” over the Statues ... and probably threw a few insults towards him. I regret that now, knowing that it was in the final months of his life that I sat down at the table wondering How I can “top” what he’s put. I hope he enjoyed “Jousting”. With me.... I think he did, but it doesn’t sit right, I won’t get a chance to ask.

We are on here because we don’t like what else there is out there.... .........We can/should/will fall out/disagree, but it shouldn’t be for long. To move forward, folk have to agree that there isn’t a winner. Discussions on here are getting diverted and disrupted. Worryingly there IS less and less folk posting on here.... without a doubt. Be a shame if it was just a handful left.

No one is right all the time.....

( Except Mrs Jules)......... So I’m told.