A fair bit of expectation and pressure on the England lads tonight . With all due respect to the Scots, we are very much stronger player for player. England are heavily odds on favourites to win tonight which I agree with but as we know, it's not that simple in rival matches. The Scottish will come here properly fired up and try to make life as difficult as possible. Let's not forget that they are desperate for a result too to keep them in Euro 2020. A loss will most likely see them with yet another exit at the group stages.

I feel that if we can get the first goal early then more will follow. I'd like to see England strut their stuff and if we go 1 nil up early doors it could be a long night for Scotland.

On the flip side, if Scotland take the lead then they have summat to hold onto. Steve Clarke is a very good manager and will have his side well drilled and fired up.

Beers in fridge chilling and I'm looking forward to this one . Come on England